Kindergarten 3 Hintergrund

Kindergarten 3: Background

★ Our twin city lacks about 1000 kindergarten places for children under 6

★ Those who don’t get in early will be left behind early: The kindergartens are preschools where mainly Amharic, English and mathematics are taught

★ There are about 30 children with disabilities (blind, deaf, mental – others are not recorded) under the age of 6 – by the time they enter elementary school they are already left behind

★ Even in secondary schools, there is hardly any special support – children with disabilities simply run along or are completely excluded from educational opportunities

★ The city of Alem Katema continues to grow strongly due to a high birth rate and influx

★ The project of the partnership association should be a role model and foundation for early childhood education – also for other facilities and institutions

★ We take global responsibility with the project and make a contribution to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 4), Less Inequality (SDG 10), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), and Partnerships to Achieve the Goals (SDG 17)

More information on the KiGa-Project: DescriptionPlans

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