Four ultrasound machines arrived

The partnership association can do more than just kindergarten: At the beginning of the year, an ultrasound machine arrived at the ENAT Hospital in Alem Katema, the transport of which had been organized by the association from Germany. Shortly after, it was in use and Dr. Belay Gelata, the medical director of the hospital wrote: “The new ultrasound machine improves our health system, especially for the patients who were referred to Addis Ababa because of the lack of echo and linear probes.”

Already with the beginning of Corona’s support for Alem Katema, we had started collecting ultrasound machines and already in March of last year we had four together: Our late 2nd chairman Norbert Paul had received one from Dr. Stephan Hoeltz (Munich), one came from Hawelti e.V from Nuremberg and two via Alem Katema friend Dr. Rüdiger Seebaß from Dr. Mathias Rauchhaus (Potsdam) and Dr. Markus Baar (Northeim). Since the diplomatic representations of Ethiopia had stopped their aid transports, the transport to Addis Ababa was organized together with the “Entwicklungsinitiative für Amhara in Deutschland e.V.“, which provided a transport grant from Engagement Global. From the partnership association the 2nd chairman Joachim Wiesmüller was active: especially with customs papers and the transports to a central warehouse in Pfaffenhofen and from there to the airport in Frankfurt. All transports were supported by the company PAF-LOG, a small forwarding agency near Pfaffenhofen, with complete deliveries (to Pfaffenhofen) or a borrowed delivery truck (to Frankfurt).

Board member Joachim Wiesmüller hands over the ultrasound equipment to the association in Frankfurt ” Entwicklungsinitiative für Amhara”

Of course, it would not have made sense to concentrate all four devices only in our twin town: one of them was given to the training hospital Yekatit 12, which the State Minister for Health Dr. Ayele Teshome (from Alem Katema) headed until recently. The “Entwicklungsinitiative” distributed the other two devices to two other hospitals in Amhara.

This will not be the last action in the medical field: If you are interested in joining our working group “Hospital” – please contact us:

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